Monday, October 24, 2016

Response to WLKY Article #2

This WLKY Article can be found here.

I'm writing about this article because it seems to be biased against Sen. Tim Kaine, and is not in the editorials. The headline itself, "Vice Presidential Nominee Shrugs Off Threat By WikiLeaks" might not be so bad, but throughout the news article, it repeatedly uses the term "shrugged off". Using this term makes it seem like he is deliberately ignoring something that should be taken very seriously. However, it seems Sen. Kaine simply does not believe there is a threat. The author of this article also uses small phrases that don't seem biased in and of themselves, but the frequency of them is appalling. If it were truly a well written article, the author wouldn't repeatedly use the term "shrugged off", instead saying something along the lines of "Kaine sees threats as unfounded".

1 comment:

  1. This article doesn't appear to be biased at all, although they did misspell "Wikileaks."
